Every son of Adam is a sin and the best of repentant sinners is repentance and forgiveness is the way of the believer to satisfy him, the Almighty, for the door of repentance is open and does not close before anyone except when the soul reaches the sweet spot, or the sun rises from the west.And God has facilitated the command of repentance, and opened its doors to those who wanted it, as the Almighty extends his hand at night to repent the offender of the day, and extends his hand during the day to repent the offender of the night, and the door of repentance is open to the unbelievers, the polytheists, the apostates, the hypocrites, the oppressors, the disobedient and the negligent.Whoever wants to return to the straight path, what he has to do is to hasten to repent, and to give up his sins before a day comes when he will be moved between him and them, so he will regret what he has neglected, and be impatient with what he reached from the reality of